LoL Smurf Accounts

Posted 3 years ago

League of Legends is a much-loved battle arena with thousands of gamers to compete against each other in the rigorous ranking system, with the goal of entering the 1% player tier called Challenger. Not everyone aspires to this level; many play for enjoyment, but those who do, devote a significant amount of time and effort to achieving this prestigious rank. Challengers are the best of the best in their respective regions and are allowed to participate in eSports tournaments.

Surprisingly, these great players often seek fun or challenge outside of their ranks. Many use alternate accounts, either in their region or elsewhere, to ascend through ranks in order to test their limits and discover how far they can go. Challengers play roles they main but their intention with these secondary accounts is on playing off-rolled positions to achieve high elo rank.

These alternate accounts are known as smurfs, and they are used solely in ranked games. However, not just Challengers are allowed to have smurfs; in fact, many high elo players who never reached Challenger create smurfs on a regular basis for the same reasons mentioned above or simply for fun.

How LoL smurfs do it?

Smurfing is a well-known terminology in the LoL community, and many do it without realizing it. Smurfing is done by creating or buying an alternate account either in the same or another region. Many players have their ‘main’ accounts and secondary, ‘smurf’ accounts.

Low elo players, on the other hand, are not known for creating several accounts since their focus in the game is to have fun and socialize with their friends. Even if they had another account, they would not be referred to as smurfs since it is typically used to describe skilled, high elo players.

LoL smurf accounts may be purchased, which is a quick but pricey option, or they can be made from scratch. A purchased account is fully leveled and has enough champions to join ranked games immediately, while new accounts must pass the tutorial and play a set number of games to acquire champions and levels, which may then be used to queue up for ranked games.

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What are the benefits of using LoL smurf accounts?

For climbing elo, most players focus on a certain role and a few champions within that role, and once at the peak, it is tough to simply swap both the role and champions you focus on. This is because at high elo, getting off-rolled and experimenting with different champions, builds, and roles often results in rank loss. Naturally, maining jungle with Nunu, Rengar, and Vi means neglecting other roles and champions, thus attempting to master them in high elo is not a wise plan.

As a result, gamers resort to using LoL smurf accounts to concentrate on a different role and champion pool to climb with. This account may also be used to test out new or 'troll' builds, as well as to take a break in order to regain the grip required to return to ranked on their primary account.

Riot often buffs and nerfs champions in response to fan demand, and may sometimes totally redesign champions or game systems. Playing on LoL smurfs allows players to experiment with and adapt to these game updates, as well as apply what they have learned to their ranked games. For these reasons, the majority of professional players use LoL smurf accounts on a regular basis to adjust their playstyles and learn new techniques.

Finally, LoL smurfs are also used by excellent and renowned players to avoid attention and to play with less skilled users for the joy of dominating matches.

Are LoL smurf accounts endorsed by Riot?

Smurfing, according to Riot Games, is a moderate issue in League, particularly if LoL smurfs attempt to disrupt games for less competent players. Smurfing, on the other hand, is done on a massive scale since creating an account takes little time and is incredibly simple. Riot will not actively search for LoL smurf accounts, but if proof of smurfing is given, they will ban them, as well as their mains in certain cases.

Many content creators play League on a daily basis and promote it across several platforms. These are vital components of League's marketing as well as a key part of the community. Almost all content creators have numerous accounts, if not more, and use them to generate interesting and entertaining content. Riot's reputation would suffer if their accounts were sanctioned.

Clash’s definition of smurfs is as follows: ‘If your lowest-ranked account is more than two divisions behind your highest-ranked account, you're smurfing.’ In this sense, to avoid being a Clash smurf, players have to use a second account with the same rank as their main account or highest-ranked account. Clash being a tournament should only be played with main accounts otherwise the whole experience could be ruined for the opposing team.

Riot is quite rigorous about Clash, as seen by SMS verification and other procedures that prevent LoL smurfs from joining. Those that are caught will suffer penalties for their whole team, as well as the chance to play again and get Clash prizes. ‘Why smurf in Clash when you can brag about your awesome awards on your main account?’ is a question asked by many.

LoL smurfs and low elo

It is important to understand the motive of low elo players. When referring to less-skilled, low elo players, the emphasis is on those who solely use their primary account to play, even if they fail to move up the rankings. The majority of these players do not comprehend the micro and macro aspects of the game, and as a result, make mistakes in their matches. Some of these players choose to play normal games or Aram's instead of queueing for ranked.

LoL smurfs dominating Bronze, Silver, and Gold matches is a major component as to why players avoid ranked games in the first place. Smurfs quickly rise the ranks and stomp their opponents with ease. Almost all of these players lack the skills required to oppose high-level strats that smurfs bring to their games.

Many players would agree that everyone should only own one, main account, however, LoL smurfs are a product of Riot's climbing system. To prevent smurfing, the climbing system is intentionally designed to be a tedious process. Unfortunately, due to the system being as is, players do not want to harm their main account’s MMR and therefore use smurfs. Should Riot make the climbing system less difficult, players might abandon other accounts or not even create them in the first place.


Here at AccountKings, we are not for nor against smurfing in League of Legends, however, we want to encourage players to play games they love and offer them the possibility to experience the content they want. Buy LoL smurf accounts from us, avoid the grind, and enjoy the fields of Summoner’s Rift!

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