Lost Ark Island Guide

Posted 1 year ago

Lost Ark map of Arkesia consists of a couple of continents that players can venture to by sailing open and dangerous seas. Along their paths they will encounter uncharted islands, beckoning adventurers to discover their wealth and dangers. All of the Lost Ark islands are accessible after you finish the first portion of the story in Luterra and gain access to your first ship.

To get lucrative prizes and improve your equipment, you will need to travel to different regions and explore islands, which are an essential part of the game. With today’s guide we will introduce you to Lost Ark islands and their characteristics, as well as show the best island route to take if you are just getting familiar with Arkesia.

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Lost Ark Island Guide: Lost Ark islands

Islands of Arkesia are an essential part of the game's looting system as they reward players with unique items such as Honing Materials and many other collectibles. As mentioned, they are scattered around the Lost Ark map and can only be accessible by ship. In total, there are over 95 Lost Ark islands, each hosting unique events.

Many would argue that island activities are not that important when in fact, they are a crucial aspect of the game, especially the endgame. From islands, you will be able to gather the materials you need to enhance your gear, acquire currencies to buy rare items, and uncover collectibles that can be traded for even better prizes.

We suggest exploring as many islands as possible to get the feel of the game and pay close attention to limited-time events as those award players with the best loot. However, you need first complete the blue World Quest on Tortoyk, located northeast of Luterra before setting sail. By completing this questline, you will attain the item level of 250; which is the recommended level to begin exploring your first island.

Lost Ark Island Guide: Island types

Lost Ark islands differ in terms of availability and rewards meaning certain islands can only be explored for a set amount of time and others are always accessible. In that sense, limited-time islands often host minigames that yield unique rewards while other islands offer long questlines.

All of the islands may be reached by your ship, but sailing to the western seas on the far edges of the Lost Ark map requires the Rohendel questline which can be unlocked by progressing through the main story and having a high item level. In total, there are three types of Lost Ark islands which we will briefly explain below.

Adventure islands

Lost Ark Adventure islands are only accessible at a certain time of the day. Generally, three spawn at the time, and their locations can be found by checking the Procyon’s Compass under the mini-map. You can only explore one of these islands per day, so make sure to do your research on which one is the best for that day. Lost Ark island Tokens and card packs can be found on these islands, as well as a variety of other prizes, thus they are worth the effort.

Limited-time islands

These are very much like the Adventure islands as they are only available for a short time, however, they can be accessed multiple times throughout the day. A whirlpool forms 10 minutes before the island's spawn time to indicate where the island will appear, so you and your friends will need to spread out and look for them. A way to make the search easier is to type the name of the island in the Lost Ark map’s search bar as it can show the possible spawn locations. These islands are so popular because they host minigames that yield fantastic rewards, among which, Lost Ark island Tokens.

Static islands

In contrast to Adventure Islands or Limited-time islands, these islands are constantly accessible and can be easily located by using the Lost Ark map. On these islands, there are quests that, if finished, will provide the player with a variety of prizes and collectibles.

Lost Ark Island Guide: Island rewards

Lost Ark islands are plentiful with each offering so many awesome rewards for players to acquire. You want to explore islands as much as possible especially if you are just starting the endgame because of all the goodies you can obtain. You will need a lot of Tier 1 materials to level up your gear, so look for islands like Serenity Isle and Panda Isle that award Tier 1 materials. Tier 2 gear upgrade materials can also be found on islands around Arkesia, however, these islands require a higher gear level to access.

In that sense, you can find Leap Stones, Guardian Stones, Harmony Shards, Silver, Destruction Shards, and more on the 'enhance' islands, as these items are used for boosting your items’ stats. Many islands reward players with Lost Ark island Tokens corresponding with that island. And to top it all off, you can earn Lost Ark Pirate Coins in large quantities too, which can be used on a wide range of extras and upgrades for your ships. To be a successful reward hoarder, you should visit as many islands as possible every day, especially those that have that particular reward you are after.

Lost Ark Island Guide: Island Souls

Lost Ark island Tokens, also referred to as island Souls, are obtained as the main rewards for successfully finishing island challenges. The island Soul is a unique commodity that can be traded for vanity items, collectibles, and more. Players have to first complete a lengthy questline to be able to get Lost Ark island Souls. Interestingly, some island quests have to be activated on a completely different area of the Lost Ark map so make sure to pick up any quests you encounter on your journeys.

Players can get more insight into these challenges by talking with Grandpa Opher located on The Lonely Island northwest of Pleccia. In the dialogue box, just hover your mouse over the list of Lost Ark island Souls and choose the appropriate subcategory (such as 'chest', 'adventure quest', or 'Rapport'). Once you obtain the soul, sacrifice it on the statue commonly located on the beach fronts of islands to get emotes, stat/skill increase potions, masterpiece collectibles, and more.

Greater Skill Point Potion is a reward that grants six skill points to all characters on your team. You must get your hands on this potion if you want to level up your characters' abilities and reach the endgame. You will need 20 island Tokens in total for one Greater Skill Point Potion. Since island Tokens are random drops, you will likely need to return to the same island several times before you get the Lost Ark island Token.

Lost Ark Island Guide: Island activities

Exploring islands without a plan can leave you wandering for hours searching for the rewards that you could have obtained much sooner if you had the proper guidance beforehand. For this reason, we have created a short to-do list applicable to each of the Lost Ark islands you visit:

· Complete island quests – look for the exclamation mark on the Lost Ark map.

· Talk to NPCs – most offer rewards for their quests.

· Look for Mokoko seeds – generally, there are 2-5 seeds on an island.

· Engage in PvP – can yield rewards and island Tokens.

· Get Lost Ark island Tokens.

Lost Ark Island Guide: Starter route

We would highly recommend that you visit all of the Lost Ark islands eventually, although you should look to start with the least demanding ones which also offer the best early rewards. Here is our list of the best islands to visit early:

· The Lonely Island – Grandpa Opher has information on island Tokens and gives a free one just for conversing with him.

· Golden Wave Island – good for looting chests to get card packs, Lost Ark Pirate Coins, green engravings, etc.

· Serenity Island – offers a straightforward questline that yields Weapon and Armor Crystals and Skill Potions.

· Turtle Island – upon completing the questline, players can acquire a Jewel Coral, customizable Turtle mount as well as a Lost Ark island Soul.

· Panda Island – offers short yellow and purple questline that give Silver, Harmony Leap Stones, Harmony Shards, Weapon, and Armor Crystals.

· Peyto boat – by completing the questline which begins on this boat, players will traverse three additional islands and end up with a plethora of upgrade materials and 4 Lost Ark island Souls.

Lost Ark Island Guide

We have reached the end of another AccountKings blog. With this guide, we have provided general tips that can help you better understand the game and prepare for efficient game sessions. Should you want to look up similar blogs like this one, make sure to head to our blog site. If you are after trading accounts, feel free to browse our sell and buy Lost Ark Accounts websites.

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