Omen in Valorant: The Jack-Of-All-Trades Controller

Posted 3 months ago

Welcome back to our blog series, where each week we cover different Valorant agents. Today, we’ll cover a solid and complete agent that has numerous tricks up his sleeve and makes him an excellent Controller for most situations. As a jack-of-all-trades, you will use Omen’s Valorant kit to make the battlefield your preferred place to make the foes suffer from every wrong move you push them to do. So, let’s break it all down!

Omen Valorant Abilities

Valorant’s Omen is an agent who can lead his teammates in any fight. Not only that, but he will also support them with a variety of effects that can only be applied using his kit. Furthermore, Omen in Valorant is one of the best when it comes to functionality because he’s able to block vision, teleport, and smoke enemy agents to find advantageous angles. Let’s take a look at Omen’s abilities to understand more about his functionalities during matches.

Shrouded Step (C)

When you activate Shrouded Step, it will equip you with a shadow walk ability and a range indicator. With this indicator, you will have a brief channeling time; after a short period, you will teleport yourself to the target location. You can move this indicator for a decent range, and it will help you to move without the need to walk certain angles you want to avoid. This ability will cost you 100 credits, and you will have two charges in each round.

Paranoia (Q)

This will be one of your favorites since it will equip you with a blinding orb you can throw forward and use to pass through walls. This orb is not only packed with the blind effect, but it will apply Nearsighting and Deafening for two seconds when a player gets touched by Paranoia. The ability will affect teammates and enemies equally, so you must be careful when using it. You will only have one charge per round, costing 250 credits.

Dark Cover - Signature (E)

Omen in Valorant and his signature are a game changer. When you equip his signature, you will use a shadow orb, which will make you enter a phased world to select where you want to target and place the orbs. When you select the perfect spot, it will create a long-lasting shadow sphere that will block anyone's vision. You’ll be able to move and target the ideal place using Hold Fire, but if you want to make the shadow orb stay closer, use Hold Alt Fire. If you want to use a normal targeting view, you can Press Reload, which will make the work easier for you. This ability will cover a radius of 4.1 meters, will last 15 seconds, and has a deploy time of one second. You can throw the orbs at a travel speed of 64 meters per second to reach up to 80 meters in distance. This signature ability will have two charges per round, costing 150 credits.

From The Shadows - Ultimate (X)

In Valorant, Omen’s Ultimate will equip him with a tactical map that you can use to teleport to a selected location. Once you find the right spot, use the Fire button to begin teleporting. However, you must know while you are teleporting, you will appear as a shade; your enemies can destroy this shade and will cancel your teleport. If you want to cancel it, you can use ‘Press Equip’ button. This ultimate will cost you seven ultimate points, and the duration will be 4 seconds in total.

How To Play Omen In Valorant

It’s a long road to mastering any agent, but the first step is understanding how his kit works during battle and knowing when it’s the right time to use each of the abilities. Omen in Valorant is an excellent example of an agent with a complex kit. But due to the versatility of said kit, and the ability to use teleportation and the effects you can apply to enemies and teammates, it makes him well worth the challenge

Starting with the first ability, the Shrouded Step, it is an ability that will give you a high utility grade, but it has its limitations. It’s a short-range teleport you can use only with a line of sight, which means you can only use it in the range of your vision to select the end location. Despite this limitation, there are some fantastic ways to squeeze it into a match. Some players use the teleport to reach high ledges and get an advantageous position over foes.

Some of the best uses for Shrouded Step are in combination with Sage’s Barrier, and with some weird placements, Valorant’s Omen can go up and have some fun during the round. Another thing you must be aware of for this ability is the wind-up and wind-down, where you will be locked out of moving or using any weapon for two seconds. You must be careful when you activate this ability to avoid getting stuck in the middle of the crossfire.

It’s an excellent option to use Shrouded when the enemies can’t see you and cross to a better location without the foes knowing. Since the enemy agent can hear this ability when they’re nearby, if you are far enough, you can use it without being heard. This ability will let you remain unseen for longer, giving you an extra advantage and helping you find a better angle to peak and get a kill.

For other abilities, like Paranoia, you must know that the distance you can cover is about 30 meters. It may sound like a short distance, but it’s enough to cover most of the long corridors on almost every map. This ability will gradually slow you until it abruptly stops you, making it harder to quickly change the direction of the ability once you activate it.

While playing Omen in Valorant, it's common to have a small wind-up time before the ability starts working. This wind-up time is important since you will be vulnerable while casting Paranoia or some other of Omen’s abilities. However, Paranoia is a great initiating tool if you use it in the most common spots where enemies can be hiding, waiting for you to come out. It’s a perfect ability to avoid foes pushing you from certain spots, slowing down their approach to you and your teammates.

Paranoia will apply Nearsight instead of the normal Blind effect; however, this won’t prevent the enemies from shooting at you if they think you are near the location of the ability. Be cautious about your position when using Paranoia, and don’t risk being at a predictable spot. Following the line, you must wait until the travel time ends to peek. Don’t let your excitement get the better of you and ruin your play; wait until it lands, and then crush all the enemy agents.

Once you use Dark Cover, if you walk inside, you will see it’s not like other abilities because it is hollow inside, and your vision will stay the same when you walk in. The smoke for this ability will last about 11 seconds after the initial casting and deploy; the duration won’t be affected by how far it can travel.

The smoke that comes with Omen in Valorant covers a decent-sized area, and everyone can see when the Dark Cover is active in the minimap. Another great tip for this ability is using the minimap and the market to see where the smoke will end up and its trajectory.

Since this ability has a long range you can cover, it’s enough to cross from one side to another of any map in Valorant. This means Dark Cover is technically a global impact ability, with some similitude with Brimstone’s Sky Smokes; however, it still has its own unique twist. Valorant’s Omen has a unique feature when using this ability since you can dictate how high in the air you want to throw the smoke, and you can set when it activates during your measures. You will see Dark Cover activation when it sinks under the surface after hitting the ground; then, the smoke will settle. This is a great way to catch a glimpse of your enemies before the smoke covers the area.

If you want to use more than one ability, Dark Cover will help you while using Shrouded Step or From The Shadow. Both of these abilities are very noisy, and anyone can hear you most of the time; however, with the advantage offered by the smoke, you won’t have any effect while inside; you can move more freely with your teleport or use it hastily. You can fake a situation, making it seem you will teleport inside the smoke, but you will move somewhere else.

You can use Dark Cover several times during the match because it will recharge every 30 seconds. You will start the round with two charges, but if you use it, you will have more in a matter of seconds, so you don’t need to save it for a rain check.

Omen in Valorant brings to the table mobility and different ways for crowd control; however, a downside is how fragile you will be while using his ultimate. The use of Valorant's Omen ability is high risk if you don't put some thought into it. As there are only two outcomes from this move; those being the absolute best outcome, or absolute devastation. When you transform into the shade form, the enemy agents will be able to fire at you while you navigate your next move. Thankfully, you won’t receive any harm if they stop you from completing the teleportation, but you will stay in the same location where you cast the ability.

You will see that this ultimate is loud and obvious, so everyone will know you are using it, as the sound travels across the map. You must be cautious, as there is a high chance that once you materialize after the teleportation, the enemy team will make a headshot. Most of the time, the enemies will prefer to hold their shots until you are fully corporealized, but in these cases, you can move the moment this process begins. Remember, Valorant’s Omen will stay in place while he’s in the shade form, so make sure your teammates will support you during this period. One of the best ways to use this ability is as an attacker since you can be seen with the spike without problems, then use your ultimate to move to another location faster. If you combine it with Dark Cover, you can squeeze the full potential of this ultimate.

Valorant Omen Guide FAQ

Do you still have thoughts about whether you should master Omen in Valorant or not? It's not a bizarre question to ask yourself given the complexity of this character and his abilities, so let's clear your mind and answer your questions before picking Omen in your next match.

Is Omen Good in Valorant?

This question can be tricky, but this will depend mostly on your play style. However, Omen is a great option as a Controller for his kit, as well as all the possibilities you can do with the teleporting and the effects he can apply to foes and friends.

Is there any recent nerf for Omen in Valorant?

In a recent patch, Omen received a buff in a specific ability, From the Shadows, allowing you to pick up the Spike and interact with other usable items while in the shade form without canceling the ultimate.

Valorant Omen Summary

Mastering any agent in Valorant takes time, and Omen is not the exception. Riot is always finding ways to make each agent unique, making the game full of diversity and ways to play without falling into the same patterns. Of course, most of the learning process can be against you at times as you get to grips with each new character. However, as long as you're having fun, you're doing the right thing! Don’t forget, you can check more guides like this in our blog section. Moreover, if you want unique accessories, skins and more in Valorant, check out our page to find the best value Valorant account to buy. That’s all for now. See you in the next blog post.

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