Raze Valorant: Explosives All Around

Posted 1 day ago

Welcome back to our blog series to cover another agent in Valorant. Today’s blog is about big guns and big personality that Raze, a Duelist, carries in every match. Raze in Valorant is an agent who will excel on the battlefield and will help the team clear tight spaces with her blunt-force-trauma play style. Not only that, but she will also bring some BOOM! factor in the game with some explosives in plain sight. Let’s see what you can do with her, but first, let’s dive into her kit.

Raze Valorant Abilities

A great personality comes with a big responsibility to make the map explode and make foes run from you for all the bullets. Raze is one of the most challenging agents to master, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do so. Her kit is packed with mobility but requires skill usage and effective aiming to squeeze the full potential out of her. You can even think she is more than a duelist; she is a two-in-one agent for everything she can offer.

Boom Bot - (C) (L1 - PS5) (LB - Xbox X/S)

When you activate this ability, it will equip you with a Boom Bot you can deploy using the Fire button. This bot will travel in a straight line on the ground, and it is able to bounce off walls. When the Boom Bot locks on an enemy inside, its frontal cone will chase it and explode, causing heavy damage if the bot reaches the enemy agent. It costs 300 credits, and you will have only one charge per round. The Boom Bot has 60 HP, and foes can destroy it. Valorant’s Raze Boom Bot will deal between 30 HP for the outer radius and 80 for the inner radius. Boom Bot will last only 5 seconds from the deployment time until it explodes.

Blast Pack - (Q) (R1 - PS5) (RB - Xbox X/S)

This ability will instantly make Raze throw a Blast Pack that will stick to any surface. However, you will be able to re-use this ability after deployment to detonate. Blast Pack is the perfect companion to deal damage to everything that moves in the Area of Effect of the ability. You don’t need to worry if you are inside the range because you won’t take any damage from it. Sadly, for the enemy agents, Raze Valorant will have two charges, each costing 200 credits. Blast Pack will deal between 20 and 50 HP after arming, and it will last 5 seconds, including the deployment time. The Blast Pack has 20 HP, so an enemy agent can destroy it before it explodes.

Signature - Paint Shells (E) (O - PS5) (B - Xbox X/S)

When Raze activates her signature, she will have a cluster grenade in her hands. Using the Fire button, you will be able to throw the grenade and deal damage and create sub-munitions that will also deal more damage to anyone inside the area of effect. However, you will only have one charge, and it is free; it will recharge every two kills. You can expect the damage from Paint Shells to be between 1 and 55 HP, depending on the closeness of foes.

Ultimate - Showstopper - (X) (L1 + R1 - PS5) (LB + RB - Xbox X/S)

Once you decide to use Raze Ult in Valorant, you will have a Rocket Launcher in your hands, which you can activate using the Fire Button. When you do so, a rocket will go to the selected area, causing heavy damage in contact with anything in the area of effect. This ability will cost you 8 ultimate points, and the range of damage will be between 30 and 150 HP, depending on how close the agent is to the inner radius. The equip time is 1.4 seconds, and the maximum duration is 10 seconds.

How To Play Raze Valorant

Understanding a new agent can be a challenge on its own, and for Raze, it can take you some extra time and more practice than other, more accessible agents. However, this is a relative statement, and you can make the tables turn with our tips and tricks to make your learning curve more pleasant with Raze. So, let’s begin!

First, let’s talk about Boom Bot, a perfect ability to gather information. Not only that, but you can also clear common angles and force foes to reposition once they see this ability. A great way to use Valorant’s Raze Boom Bot is by throwing it and then following the bot to finish the enemy agent. It is expected to see how the enemy agents will try to destroy Boom Bot when they see it, but if you charge before your ability, you will have the advantage of clearing them quickly and easily. Of course, if you want to do so, remember timing is essential, meaning you have to master peeking to kill the enemy agent.

Sometimes, when you use Boom Bot, it won’t be close enough for the enemy agents to focus on your ability. Be cautious when you charge and push in these situations because you can sell your position and be easy prey for the enemies. Usually, they will place their crosshair in a position that will focus on you instead of destroying your Boom Bot.

Blast Pack is like satchels; you can use it to place it on walls and pop it when someone gets close, or you are close enough in a fight to deal extra damage to your opponent. Sadly, this is an overlooked ability, and several players misunderstand it, but Raze in Valorant pro players know the real potential that packs inside these explosives. This ability will lose potential on the ground, so you instead use it on walls or corners since your enemies won’t expect to have an ability that will explode right in their faces. When Blast Pack is active, you will have an advantage for all the mess it creates, so you can make your way into the enemy team and get some kills.

Blast Pack can also be a fantastic ability when you combine it with a shotgun. You must use the mobility Raze offers on the battlefield. Although some players don’t like it that much, it is at the same level as Jeff’s Tailwind or Neon’s High Gear. Since you will move from side to side, rushing with a rifle won’t be the best idea. However, shotguns will cover a wide area and can cause extreme damage when you are able to get close enough to foes. Combining the potential of a shotgun with the power and utility of Blast Pack can create a deadly combo to use in certain situations.

For Paintshells, it’s a more straightforward ability, but you can throw this ability into small rooms to cause damage to foes around. This grenade won’t be enough to kill full health; however, that doesn’t mean you won’t be enough, but it will make them low enough. Even if you are lucky enough, you will be able to take enough HP points from an entire enemy team and win in the early moments of the round, which will give you a big advantage in winning the match.

Raze in Valorant will bring you different options to deal insane damage, but using her ultimate Showstopper can cause heavy damage, even to Raze and her teammates. You must be cautious when using this ultimate because you will need to equip it with some time before you can use it. Showstopper will only activate for a limited time; you can check it at the bottom of your screen. So, you must use this ability at the right time at the right moment. Still, you can make amazing plays if you are reckless enough and make your shot mid-air.

Valorant Raze FAQ

Mastering a new character in Valorant can take some time, and Raze in Valorant will take you several matches to understand all you can do with her kit and all the mobility she has during matches. Since she is not a usual Duelist, you can have some doubts we want to clear before you jump into the game. So, let’s begin!

Is there any recent Valorant Raze Nerf?

In recent updates, Raze received some nerfs related to the Blast Pack, decreasing the damage multiplier from x2.5 to x2.25. They also decreased the horizontal velocity from the Satchel and increased the range of audio, making it audible from farther away.

What are Raze’s weaknesses?

Raze is an incredible agent, but she is far from perfect. She is a one-dimensional agent who won’t provide any utility to the team or crowd control. Moreover, she won’t be the best option for beginners since her fast-paced play style requires a high level of mechanical and gun skills to succeed with her.

Raze Valorant Conclusion

It is time to cool down the atmosphere and stop the explosion with Raze. She is one of the most beloved agents among veterans and pro players for all the damage you can deal with and the mess-up situations you can create during each match. Although she is a fast-paced duelist, you can slow down a bit, understand how to play her, and integrate her play style into a team with other agents. If you want to master more agents, you can check our blog section. Moreover, you can also check our web page and buy Valorant accounts with rare and unique cosmetics to make your friends jealous. That’s all for now. See you in our next blog!

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