Vyse Valorant: The Liquid Metal Agent

Posted 1 week ago

Innovation is what we call Vyse in Valorant. A Sentinel that brings some fresh mechanics and play styles to the mix. Vyse is a metallic mastermind that is able to use liquid metal to trap and disarm enemies with ease. Vyse is the 26th character included in the game and the latest on the roster of Sentinels. He came to Valorant to conquer and control entire map areas. Let’s see what you can do with him!

Vyse Abilities Valorant

Every agent in Valorant has its uniqueness and a way to show all the power inside of abilities during the rounds. However, Valorant’s Vyse brings new ways to isolate foes and raise the crowd control bar when he is in the arena. Before you can do anything with him, you must learn what he can do with his kit.

Razorvine - (C) (L1 - PS5) (LB Xbox S/X)

When you activate this ability, it will equip you with a nest of liquid metal you can launch by using your Fire button. When this nest lands, it will become invisible, and after you activate it, it will sprawl out into a large razorvine that will slow and damage all players who move or pass through it. For this ability, you will have two charges that cost 150 credits. The windup time is only 0.3 seconds and has an extended range of 6.25 meters. It will slow enemies by 15%, and the full duration of Razorvine will be 10 seconds.

Shear - (Q) (R1 - PS5) (RB - Xbox S/X)

This ability equips Vyse with filaments of liquid metal that serve as a hidden wall trap. When an enemy agent crosses the targeted location, an indestructible wall will appear behind them. Although the duration before it dissipates is short, it will undoubtedly cause some mess on the battlefield. After you deploy this trap, it will remain indefinite until it is activated. The deployment time is about 2 seconds, and the wall dimension is between 1 and 12 meters in length, 1 meter in width, and 2.5 meters in height. It costs 200 credits, and you will be able to use it once every round.

Signature - Arc Rose - (E) (O - PS5) (B - Xbox S/X)

Vyse Valorant equips an Arc Rose that is deployable on any surface with your Fire button. You can also use your Alt Fire button to place this Arc through walls. The primary use for the Arc Rose is to Blind players; you will know when it is active because your crosshair will be replaced with an indicator for placing the rose. Any enemy agent that looks at the Arc Rose will get the Blind Effect.

Moreover, with this ability, you can pick it up and redeploy it in another location. Since it’s the Valorant’s Vyse signature, it won’t cost you anything, and you will have one charge. It will last 45 seconds in total before it stops working. The Arc Rose has 20 Hitpoints, and the duration of the Blind effect is 2.25 seconds.

Ultimate - Steel Garden - (X) (L1+R1 - PS5)

For her Ultimate, Vyse equips a bramble of liquid meta. When you use the Fire button, the metal will erupt from you like a torrent full of thorns. If an enemy agent is hit with this ultimate, it will apply the Jam debuff on his primary weapons after a brief windup. It will cost you 8 ultimate points, and the Jamming debuff will last 8 seconds. The windup time for this ability is 3.4 seconds.

Valorant Agent Vyse: How To Play

Understanding how to play with Vyse in Valorant will take some time since all the possible plays are still relatively new. However, if you make an effort to learn about his mechanics and squeeze all the potential out of Vyse’s kit, you will undoubtedly come out on top. Of course, you need to adapt to every situation, and that’s why it’s crucial you know the high and low points of this Sentinel.

Razorvine is similar to a combat grenade, but you can set it in more advanced ways and activate it when you need it. However, it damages players who run through it; if they stay still, they will not receive damage at all. Of course, it may look like a downside, but it is the opposite since staying still in Valorant gets you killed.

We recommend you set up Razorvine in advance to avoid any delays during the fight, and it will help you secure areas of the map more easily. This ability has a great synergy with Sheer; when you place both together, you will get a wall that blocks foes from turning around and hiding and, at the same time, deals damage if they decide to run. Beware, since this ability can harm you and your teammates as well. Vyse in Valorant can safely use this ability for the tossing mechanics and place it in a safe spot to avoid you or your teammates crossing the razorvine.

As we mentioned, Sheer is an invisible wall that will automatically activate when an enemy passes through it. You can use Sheer as an information-gathering tool since it will notify you when someone passes near your trap. Although it may have a limited range, which won’t cover a choke point completely, you must place it so that it will block the path of foes in the most effective way.

As we mentioned, you can combine this ability with your Razorvine, and you can also make a great combo with abilities like Raze’s Paint Shells, which allows you and your team to trap enemies and then use grenades to get easy kills. Valorant’s Vyse can sell this ability during the buy phase, so if you don’t want to use Sheer or you are low on money, you can save some by doing this. Remember, other players can destroy your ability before it’s activated.

If you want to blind your enemies, Arc Rose is your best friend. This ability will be hard to master, but once you understand how to use it, you and your team will be able to get the upper hand over your enemies. This ability will work best when you place it on a vertical surface, but if you want to blind foes, you must use the activation button again to make the metal arc apply the debuff. You can also use this ability more wisely to keep track of the affected players or if it was destroyed by one, which will work as an information-gathering tool for learning where the enemies’ approximate location is.

Finally, Steel Garden is a powerful ultimate that will make any enemy agent within the zone lose the ability to use their primary weapons for a short period, leaving them with pistols and abilities only. You can use this ability during the attack or defense; it is best to charge it as soon as possible when you or your teammates are planting or defusing the Spike. Over time, you will learn to coordinate with your teammates and effectively use this ultimate to its full potential. Avoid using Steel Garden when you know the enemy cannot afford primary weapons. Remember, you can see the radius of Steel Garden in the mini-map, which will prove helpful as it’s essential to make Steel Garden cover the most active area on the map.

Valorant Vyse FAQ

Although Vyse in Valorant has only been in the game for a short time, his impactful entrance to the casual and pro scene has made players wonder about ways of mastering him best in a short time. Naturally, we want to help you clear some common doubts about Vyse and his kit. So, let’s begin!

What are the best synergies with Vyse in Valorant?

Having good synergy between you and your teammates goes beyond choosing the perfect agents who work best together. However, certain agents excel over others when playing with Vyse. These are Raze, KAY/O, and Killjoy.

Which are the best maps to play?

The best maps you can play with Vyse are Lotus, Bind, Ascent, Haven, and Sunset. These maps will present a better option for using his kit and combining his abilities with other agents.

Vyse Valorant Summary

Mastering an agent takes time, as you must go through a lot of trial and error before finding the best ways to adjust their kit to your play style. Practice makes perfect. Of course, having fun is a priority, but getting better with different agents will make you excel at this game. You can find more guides on mastering Valorant agents in our blog section. Moreover, if you want to feel unique and cool, you can take a look at our account options and get yourself a Valorant account with rare cosmetics and high-value skins. That’s all for now. See you in our next blog!

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