Account Overview
This Account was created by us
This Account is currently out of stock, but we
should have more coming in soon. Ask us about this Account in live chat if you're interested
and we can try to get it in for you.
Our delivery method is face-to-face or by the market. If we deliver face-to-face when we're ready, we'll contact you in-game to trade. Rest assured, we won't talk about the gold trade in-game.
But if we deliver through the market, put something in the public stash tab and let us know the position and the item you listed.
Note: please give us some random items when we trade to disguise them for safety reasons.;
By purchasing an Account from us, you agree to our refund, insurance, wealth, and privacy policies. As soon as your purchase is complete, you will
receive the Account information sent to your e-mail address.
We offer a 100% money back guarantee - with free 30 days insurance on all our
Extended Account Insurance is also
available. You may purchase insurance for a specific time period,
where we will provide further assistance and cover you in full in case of Account recovery. By purchasing insurance, you’re agreeing to our Insurance Policy and Term
of Service.